Kontakta oss
Här träffar du beslutsfattare och inköpare som befinner sig i en aktiv inköpsfas. Hela mässan går ut på att du ska få möjlighet att visa upp dina produkter och träffa så många potentiella (och rätt) kunder som möjligt under två dagar. Ställ ut och låt kunderna komma till dig!
Victoria Ahlberg
Contact me
For any questions or comments regarding marketing, collaboration, programmes or press.
Tell us about your best ever taste experience!
I have had the privilege of eating a varity of good food. But something I often long for is the breakfast burrito I used to eat in Arizona or the grilled lamb from Johns Place in Varberg.
Rebecca Hyde-Price Aggestam
Event & Marketing Specialist
Contact me
If you are an exhibitor or visitor and need support.
Tell us about your best ever taste experience!
Difficult question, but top three has to be when I tasted a really good vegetarian hamburger for the first time after many years as a vegetarian. That was a winner!
Pia Roos Börjeson
Contact me
If you want to ask about prices and package solutions or want inspiration and tips for attending an event.
Tell us about your best ever taste experience!
At The Place in Gothenburg when I got to try goat’s cheese au gratin with honey and Russian caviar on butter-fried bread for the first time, with a Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire valley
Kristoffer Horn
Contact me
If you want to ask about prices and package solutions or want inspiration and tips for attending an event.
Tell us about your best ever taste experience!
Hmm, there are so many! But possibly carnitas tacos at a bus stop just outside Mexico City!? Or last summer’s chili crab at Jumbo Seafood in Singapore.
support FFCR
As an exhibitor, you can contact our support if you need help with MyEasyfairs, marketing materials or if you have any other questions regarding your participation at the fair.
support Malmö mäss-service
When you as an exhibitor have technical questions about your participation or want to place orders for your stand via Malmö Mäss-Service.